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Privacy By Design

Cyber Security and Privacy by Design

The future of healthcare involves mobility and flexibility. Being able to connect from anywhere in the world facilitates simple, uncomplicated patient care, however, the healthcare industry is also a prime target for viruses, malware, and hackers. You need the right support and tools in place to keep patient data safe from hackers and other threats.

VMORE delivers all its services with a ‘cyber security and privacy by design’ approach, utilising end-to-end encryption in all communications between doctors, hospitals, and patients.

We focus on using platforms and data centres that are geofenced to Australia for compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles and, Two Factor or Multi-Factor Authentication to protect patient and provider information from unauthorised access.

The VMORE Approach to Cyber Security

Our approach is designed to keep both provider and patient information safe while making it easy for you to facilitate the necessary day-to-day needs of a busy private practice.

VMORE utilises industry fit-for-purpose health solutions, adopts good cyber hygiene and provides our team with ongoing training and education around safe data practices.

Privacy By Design
Specialist on tablet in hospital hallway.

Finding The Balance Between Technology and Privacy

We offer a balance between the security measures healthcare providers need to protect privacy and security while still being able to take advantage of new innovations. We work together with our clients to streamline and secure their digital workflows.

VMORE makes it easy for healthcare providers to keep up with the latest trends without having to worry about compromising patient privacy or security.

We want our clients to be able to focus on providing quality care for their patients.

Protected Digital Healthcare Services Workflows

Our extensive experience in digital workflows is underpinned by a focus on confidentiality, security and privacy. Provider and patient data, information, and communication is accessed utilising password managers and authenticators – fundamental to building trusted healthcare relationships.

VMORE collaborates closely with technology and solution providers to minimise risk factors.

We embed cyber security processes into our workflows to manage private information and support the use of secure messaging with other healthcare providers.

Privacy By Design

Patient Privacy is Everyone's Responsibility.

From the moment a patient reaches out, it is up to those of us providing medical services to become agents for the protection and security of a patient’s personal information – including healthcare identifiers, contact details, medical records, test results and other health information.

Our Virtual Practice Managers are trained to identify potential privacy and security risks in workflows, education staff and work hard to mitigate the potential for a cyber incident or adverse event.

Practice staff are also trained to seek additional consent or collect further personal information in keeping with safe data practices.

Privacy By Design
Privacy By Design

VMORE Leads the Way in Medical Practice Cybersecurity

Our Founder and CEO, Deana Scott is dedicated to the education and implementation of cybersecurity measures across healthcare organisations.

As an Operational Healthcare Informatician, Deana advocates for cybersecurity-supporting workflows that help in the secure collection, access, management and storage of Personally Identifiable Health Information (PIHI).

VMORE is a committed supporter of Privacy Awareness Week and is a proud partner of the Australian Cyber Security Centre.

VMORE is a committed supporter of Privacy Awareness Week and is a proud partner of the Australian Cyber Security Centre.

Privacy By Design
Privacy By Design

VMORE Privacy Policy

We respect and protect the privacy of Providers and Patients and our privacy policy outlines how we collect and use personal information.

We work in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act and comply with Personally Identifiable Health Information (PIHI).

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. VMORE services are underpinned by robust and secure digital workflows, multi-factor authentication and password managers.

Understanding where and how hackers and phishing attacks occur can help minimise the risk of a compromise. Often, malicious cyber-attacks occur through email phishing due to a lack of education or awareness, the use of personal devices in corporate settings and poorly secured wi-fi connections.

VMORE invests in the ongoing training of our team in the latest cyber-safe behaviours and, our clear information security policies are embedded into our digital workflows. These practices are integral to supporting the security of health records and patient information.

We’ve all heard nightmare stories about ransomware and phishing attacks on small through to corporate healthcare organisations. 

Healthcare continues to rank #1 in notifiable data breaches by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and the lastest reports can be accessed here.

The impact of such an attack on a specialist practice is far-reaching and can include: preventing access to critical clinical, business and patient health information, risks to patient safety, damage to a physician’s reputation, and possible financial and legal ramifications.

It is critically important that every step is taken to protect a patient’s privacy, dignity and personal information at every stage of their interaction.

The Privacy Act provides patients with the protection of privacy regarding identifying health factors. The privacy rules for data privacy should be interpreted for all forms of health protection including electronic communications and is applicable to those who provide healthcare services. 

More information about obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 for healthcare organisations can be found here.

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